Hear from our MP, Chris Heaton-Harris
The past year has been a year like no other for all of us as we have been forced to adapt to life during a pandemic. My small team and I have been kept extremely busy responding to all your emails and supporting you with your policy queries and individual issues. At the peak of last year, we were receiving hundreds of constituent emails per day!
We have helped individuals and businesses access financial support, assisted with housing issues and planning requests, helped elderly and vulnerable residents access the COVID vaccine and kept everybody updated on the latest government guidelines.
When I’ve managed to get away from my desk, I’ve been able to join some of you on the ground, volunteering to help the most vulnerable: from dropping off prescription medicine at the doorsteps of shielding constituents to delivering food parcels to vulnerable families in and around Daventry.
I have been so impressed by Daventry’s grit and ability to adapt to this strange, challenging new way of life. Whilst the doors of many businesses have been forced shut, I have seen so many of you come up with brilliant, innovative ways to keep your businesses going behind doors: from taking your businesses online to launching takeaway services at local restaurants. I was very pleased to assist with the grand reopening of Alacati Grill and have been doing my bit to support the hospitality industry by consuming a worrying amount of takeaways!
Finally, we are seeing a light at the end of this long tunnel, with the vaccination programme progressing at an incredible speed. I can’t think of a better timing for the launch of this website than now, as we eagerly await the return to pre-COVID life. I cannot wait for the community to come together again in Daventry and celebrate all that the town has to offer (First stop: The new Arc Cinema!)